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Hello, World

I am so glad to share with you some of my students' best performances, work and projects. The activities include:

Public Speaking, Posters and Creative Writing.

The aim of encouraging students to make speeches and give presentations are: 

  1. To enhance students' speaking skills and pronunciation.

  2. To give students a chance to practice the language skills they have acquired: opinion, agreeing and disagreeing etc..

  3. To improve students' self-confidence and self-esteem.

  4. To increase students' awareness of a set of different topics.

  5. To prepare the students to the end-of-the-year classroom exhibition. (Last week of May) 


The aim of encouraging students to make posters and present them to their friends are: 

  1. To train students to put their ideas on papers and show them using photos and graphs..

  2. To give students a chance to work in groups and develop their team work skills.

  3. To train students on how to make posters.

  4. give students a chance to use their English in meaningful contexts.

  5. To prepare the students to the end-of-the-year classroom exhibition. (Last week of May) 


The aim of encouraging students to write and product works in English are: 

  1. To enhance students' writing skills and techniques.

  2. To give students a chance to express their ideas in written forms the present them to their peer to get feedback.

  3. To train the students on writing different forms of writing: short stories, reports, biographies etc...

  4. To encourage students to read stories and write reports on them.

  5. To prepare the students to the end-of-the-year classroom exhibition. (Last week of May) 

The aim of encouraging students to take part in debate are: 

  1. To train students to put their present their ideas and defend them.

  2. To give students a chance to work in groups and develop their team work skills.

  3. To train students on how to convince the others.

  4. give students a chance to use their English in meaningful contexts.

  5. To prepare the students to their future life.

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